Angels & Airwaves

姓 名:Angels & Airwaves
英文名: Angels & Airwaves
国 家:欧美


“天使与电波”乐队(Angels & Airwaves)是由前Blink 182乐队主唱汤姆·迪朗格(Tom DeLonge)在Blink 182解散之后组建的,毫无疑问,如今大多数关注Angels & Airwaves音乐的歌迷都曾经是Blink-182乐队的歌迷。但在大家听过Angels & Airwaves去年的首张专辑《We Don't Need to Whisper》之后,大多数歌迷都会感到失望,因为我们在Angels & Airwaves这里再也找不到与Blink 182相似的基因。在第一张专辑《We Don't Need to Whisper》面世之前,Tom DeLonge就不只一次地表示他不会再做与任何Blink-182乐队风格类似的音乐。从这两张专辑来看,Tom Delonge果然是言出必行。看来,怀念Blink-182的歌迷们是很难在Angels & Airwaves身上找到安慰了。
With the hiatus of pop-punk superstars blink-182 in full effect by the fall of 2005, singer/guitarist Tom DeLonge revealed the formation of his new band — one he'd already been working with for six months — Angels & Airwaves. With the notoriety of his previous group, much hype ensued after the announcement: in interviews with outlets like mtv, DeLonge proclaimed (among other things) that the new music would take elements of bands like U2 and Pink Floyd and ultimately be something of a revolution to change the face of rock & roll forever. Rounding out brainchild and songwriter DeLonge were guitarist David Kennedy (Boxcar Racer, Hazen Street), drummer Atom Willard (Rocket from the Crypt, the Offspring), and bassist Ryan Sinn (the Distillers). Angels & Airwaves unveiled themselves live on April 12, 2006, to a sold-out crowd at Pomona, CA's Glass House; their shimmering, arena-ready debut, We Don't Need to Whisper, appeared that May on Geffen. A few U.K. festivals and a month-long North American headlining tour followed before the band served as openers with Head Automatica for Taking Back Sunday on nationwide arena dates. In 2007, after replacing Sinn with 30 Seconds to Mars bassist Matt Wachter, Angels & Airwaves released their second album, the equally dramatic but hookier I-Empire.

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