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Director s Cut

  • 艺人:Kate Bush
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:emi
  • 发行时间:2011-05-16
  • 上传者:emi 上传时间:2011-05-16
  • 专辑类别:专辑
  • 专辑热度:

Kate Bush的演唱完全无法区分风格,三个八度自由跳跃的嗓音,可以从《呼啸山庄》这样的文学作品中汲取音乐的精魂,使得她的歌曲充满了自己的特点,无人可以模仿她。她无疑是女性另类音乐的划时代的开拓者,狂野的天籁之音永远是她的标志,诡异、梦幻、凄美永远是她的关键词。受到她的音乐和演唱风格影响的人更是无数,包括Tori Amos、Bjork。
  Kate Bush出身古典音乐世家,从11岁就开始作曲,她带着自己的作品找到Pink Floyd的当家吉他手David Gilmour。从此两人开始长久的合作关系。David 协助制作的两首曲子The Man With the Child in His Eyes、The Saxphone Song,为Kate Bush赢得了第一张唱片合约。接着她顺利地走上了另类歌手的道路。
The collection consists of a revisitation/revision of selected tracks from her 1989 and 1993 albums The Sensual World and The Red Shoes. Some of the original tracks will be re-recorded with new elements, but some old ones will be kept.[1] The compilation album will be released as: a digital album; a standard CD in a case-bound book; a deluxe version, consisting of a box set including Director’s Cut, The Sensual World and re-mastered The Red Shoes; and two-disc vinyl.
Via her Facebook page, Kate says about the album:
“ Originally when I wrote the song "The Sensual World" I had used text from the end of Ulysses by James Joyce, put to a piece of music I had written. When I asked for permission to use the text I was refused, which was disappointing. I then wrote my own lyrics for the song although I felt that the original idea had been more interesting. Well, I’m not James Joyce am I? When I came to work on this project I thought I would ask for permission again and this time they said yes. It is now re-titled "Flower Of the Mountain" and I am delighted that I have had the chance to fulfill the original concept.
All the lead vocals and drums on Director’s Cut are new performances, some of the tracks featuring guests including Steve Gadd, Danny Thompson and, on backing vocals, Mica Paris. Three songs have been completely re-recorded, including "This Woman's Work".
For some time I have felt that I wanted to revisit tracks from these two albums and that they could benefit from having new life breathed into them. Lots of work had gone into the two original albums and now these songs have another layer of work woven into their fabric. I think of this as a new album.[2]
如果你喜欢Kate Bush的专辑《Director s Cut》里的歌曲可以把下面的歌曲连接发给你的朋友:
1.Flower Of The Mountain (originally titled The Sensual World) - Kate Bush
2.The Song Of Solomon - Kate Bush
3.Lily - Kate Bush
4.Deeper Understanding - Kate Bush
5.The Red Shoes - Kate Bush
6.This Woman´s Work - Kate Bush
7.Moments Of Pleasure - Kate Bush
8.Never Be Mine - Kate Bush
9.Top Of The City - Kate Bush
10.And So Is Love - Kate Bush
11.Rubberband Girl - Kate Bush

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