姓 名:Trapt
英文名: Trapt
国 家:欧美


在90年代中期,多数的美国青少年都沉迷於KORN、Soundgarden和Metallica、311等摇滚之声,在这之中,於南加州两个同学兼室友Chris Brown和Peter Charell除了对以上乐团一样狂热外,对音乐有许多独特见解的他们也喜欢Pink Floyd之类的老乐团,之后满腔热血的组成了Trapt,准备一展抱负。97年吉他手Simon Ormandy加入乐团,不久他们就录了一张demo带,开始在南加州地区闯荡,在一年内Trapt就为Papa Roach、Dredg和Spike1000等乐团担任过暖场工作,不过在当时有一个问题一直困扰著这三个热血青年,他们高中还没毕业!虽然在98年Trapt就发表了第二张自制专辑「Amalgamation」,但Trapt乐团的未来对当时的他们依旧是个未知数,接下来三个人分别进入不同且相距甚远的大学就读,但仍不放弃乐团,利用周末短暂的时间聚会练团及演出,也在2000年初设法完成了另一张作品「Glimpse」,他们的努力终於有了回应,不只是更多的群众支持,也得到主流唱片公司的注意,在一番挣扎后团员们放弃学业,搬移到洛杉矶将重心集中在乐团上,此时来自西雅图的鼓手Aaron Montgomery加入Trapt,使他们厚重强硬的摇滚之声更加充实,2001年终於被主流厂牌签下,并在2002年发表「Trapt」同名专辑。
School chums Chris Brown and Peter Charell absorbed the heavy rock sound of Korn, Soundgarden, and Metallica during the mid-'90s. Both were music geeks and naturally flirted with the idea of getting a group together. Casual gigs in school motivated them even more, leaving Brown and Charell to design what would become Trapt. In 1997, fellow guitarist Simon Ormandy joined the band. The trio recorded its own demo and landed gigs in and around the suburbs of southern California. Within a year, Trapt were opening up for the likes of Papa Roach, Dredg, and Spike 1000, but high-school graduation loomed ahead.
Trapt's second album, Amalgamation, was self-released in 1998, but the band's dynamic was shifting. Ormandy and Brown were attending classes at UC Santa Barbara by fall 1999 while Charell was several hours away at UC Santa Cruz. The band met up on weekends for rehearsals and shows, and also managed to issue another record, Glimpse, in early 2000 with hopes that a record label would notice. As luck would have it, Trapt impressed those at the Immortal label after a stellar gig at the Troubadour one evening in late 2000. Talks of a deal were in the works, but Immortal dropped the band after eight weeks.
Each member eventually dropped out of school and moved to Los Angeles to focus solely on Trapt. Seattle native Aaron Montgomery joined to play drums, and after a 9/11 benefit show, Warner Bros. offered the band a deal in late 2001. A year later, Trapt prepared their proper debut, and a self-titled EP appeared in spring 2004. The band returned in 2005 with Someone in Control. A live album released in 2007 -- simply titled Live -- was their first for Nikki Sixx's Eleven Seven label. A year later they teamed with producer GGGarth Richardson for their third studio album, Only Through the Pain.
