Drive Like Carson

姓 名:Drive Like Carson
英文名: Drive Like Carson
国 家:欧美


"Drive Like Carson is a band from Boston, MA but they're starting to get known all around the U.S. DLC is very unique in that they have three brothers. Gary Cioffi, the oldest of the three brothers, is a pioneer on the guitar and has a masterful mind for music and sound engineering. Michael Cioffi, the second of the three, is one of the most crisp and well-groomed drummers in Boston. Torre Cioffi, the youngest of the trio, has such a beautiful and unique guitar style, not to mention his imagination when it comes to song writing. Paul Peters, is not in the family, but still plays a big role in Drive Like Carson. He plays a variety of four-string bass and uses his talent to play many different styles. The final piece of the puzzle is front man Erik Brennan, another non-family member, and the youngest member of DriveLikeCarson. Erik has a great stage presence and a voice to match, it’s his voice that completes the whole sound of DLC.

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